Fargotten is about the far reaching areas of our country that have been forgotten over time or have not been experienced the same as our more prevalent National Parks. 

Our goal is to shine a light on all the “far-gotten” areas of the US through a community that provides shareable content, lifestyle products and education to support these regions.

We believe there is so much for us to explore across this great country - mountains, rivers, valleys, oceans - that are missing in today’s narrative. Many of the "off the beaten path" locations are not remote, they are in our backyards. 

Fargotten is about showcasing our history in the great outdoors through present-day experiences with the natural elements, animals and people that call them home.



Over the past two years Americans have flocked by the tens of millions to our most popular national parks (10-20% growth since 2019) for fresh air and to clear their minds. 

This shift in behavioral pattern has presented the opportunity and need for education to explore beyond our most recognized parks like Zion, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Smokey Mountains.

America has lost its connection with what our natural surroundings provide the mind, body and soul - whether that’s a lack of knowledge and/or visiting these far-reaching areas. 

Thus, we need to find a way to unite this place we call home through what we all share, the vast freeness this land provides us. Now is the time to shine a light on the “Fargotten” lands that we have in their truest and rawest form.



This first National Park is where Matthew is most drawn to kickstart these missions and TRNP was founded the same year he was born, 1978.

Additionally, Fargotten’s core inspiration comes from Teddy Roosevelt, who has been the most significant person in history for US Parks, Forests, and more.

In late March of 2022, Matthew ventured out to TRNP for a three day shoot to capture the rugged North Dakota badlands as winter was coming to a close and wildlife was abundant.

Matthew was not able to make it out to the Petrified Forest or Elkhorn Ranch Unit, but hopes to return in the future to document their unique features and surrounding wildlife.

The moments captured are broken out into four separate galleries below ranging from moments in the North and South Unit as well as Painted Canyon.

The South Unit is full of bison, mustangs and even a beautiful 14-point Monarch stag.

Untouched and quite rugged would be a good way to describe the North Unit, producing other worldly moments.

Being late winter when these moments were captured, the landscape lended itself well to photographing in Sepia tone.

Painted Canyon is just like the name describes, an epic place to catch sunsets and the vastness of the North Dakota badlands.

Blue Ridge Mountains, VA